I've talked a bit about videos, but that's only half of what I want to do with this site. The second, bigger half (trust me, the math is solid) is about writing. So:
Words! I like 'em. I've enjoyed writing since I was young, and what I like to write is schlocky sci-fi/fantasy. Some of those stories have survived the ages; most of the survivors are...well, I'll call them good efforts. Certainly not wasted efforts, and not even necessarily unreadable. Totally not unreadable, yep.
What this means for the site is that I have a backlog of stories of dubious quality, and a place to put them for public execution. Or review. Probably review.
So let's talk writing.
What's the point:
Practice. Practice practice praaaaaaactice. I enjoy writing, but I've gotten lazy about it. Boring old life has gotten in my way for long enough, and now that I have a place dedicated to post my writing I plan to use it. Side benefits include feedback from anyone who cares to visit the site, and possibly even developing enough interest that I can do something more ambitious in the future. Ambitions are great, you guys.
I drew this picture of a dinosaur ninja kicking a robot ghost in the face to symbolize ambition. Let's do this!
What I like to write:
Schlock, really, because that's what I like to read. Sci-fi and fantasy, but nothing to consider high art. I might write a story about a pair of angels tasked with recreating the universe every time it ends (posted); I might write about a dinosaur ninja kicking a ghost robot in the face (still in the brainstorming phase). I prefer long form prose, but I'm focused on short stories for now.
What I've got on tap:
A handful of short stories (more or less ready to post); another handful of longer stories, which need editing. A few of each that are still works in progress. I would like to post the novel-length stories in chapters, a few thousand words at a time, but I haven't worked out a format for that yet.
What else I'm working on:
Blogs and game reviews, mostly. I don't yet have a focus for the blogs. This State of the Site stuff is simple enough, but outside of that it's just going to be whatever I feel like talking about. Blogs are mostly a way for me to continuously practice writing and get quick feedback—something I can put out regularly. Hopefully they'll be interesting! Mostly they'll be an excuse to post various .GIFs of me demonstrating the creative process.
Game reviews are similar, but with an actual subject. And hey, I enjoy playing games and I enjoy writing. Why not combine the two? That said, game stuff will probably fit in blogs, too.
How often I plan to post:
This is a tricky one. Honestly, it depends on the time I have to write, which is a crummy answer. I'm not yet to this point, but once I get rolling I would like a schedule that looks like this:
Blogs: Once a week, minimum.
Game Reviews: Random. That just depends on the games I'm playing. I like JRPGs, so some of those games take a while. A loooong while.
Chapters: Once a week, pending the editing I want (okay, need) to do on my longer stories.
Short Stories: Once a month for now, hopefully more. It just depends on how short the story really is. Sadly I tend to overwrite and worry about editing later, which means more front-end work for even the shortest of stories.
Anything else worth knowing:
I'm looking at other places to post, mainly as a way to broaden my (currently nonexistent) audience. I may well push some of the short stories out into the larger world, just to see what happens. Maybe you read one, and that's why you're here! That would be awesome.
I've got some other ideas, but I think this is a good (if ambitious) start. If you've made your way here, I hope you've found something you like!